Sunday, April 25, 2010

Buckling Down

Not a whole of photography happening in the previous week, well, none worth sharing.

Starting today, I started the Nightmare on Elm's Street marathon to get up to speed for the new one coming out this Friday.

I've started working a lot, and if my math is right (and it so rarely is), then I shall have enough cash for LA in the fall, which is still my top priority in life. I found the path to LA leads through Vegas, which is a mandatory stop, and a mandatory cash sink. Black jack much?

Anyway, onto the photo of the week.

It's not new, but its newish, it's fan favorite Ryan! And I have no clue what he was screaming at, or why he was so unhappy, but I expect that Sobe might have been spiked (by clearly not me). While I wouldn't call this one of my best shots, it makes me giggle, so I am sharing it, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Man Yells At River by ~CGodfrey on deviantART


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I watercolored that there scene before, and I caricatured that homeless man sitting there, and I did an ad/graph presentation on Sobe. I suddenly feel weird, dislocated, and overworked.

    Has he stopped yelling at the Scioto river yet?
