Saturday, May 16, 2009


Okay, so I officially received my BFA today. A little scary, I don't really know where I'm going, but I know what I want to do, and I know how to do. Let's hope I get there along the journey. Congratulation to everyone who graduated with me.

Anyway; onto the shot of the however long its been since I last uploaded something.
This shot was taken for a friend of mine's thesis video. Its a cover shot (without the text added; I'll link to that, too.) I like the shot; but a few things could be better.

My original version;

My Little Film Project Cover by ~CGodfrey on deviantART

The finalized version

MLFP: Finished by ~CGodfrey on deviantART

Thursday, May 7, 2009

No More Classes

I'm writing this from the school labs, it'll be the last time I'm in here, and its kind of a sad feeling. But enough about that;

I'm going to be trying to produce a lot more now that I don't have anything else to do (other than grind awayfor pay checks). I don't have a proper light kit yet, so I'll be trying to buy one of those ASAP. Until then, I'm going to be turning into a street photographer.

On to today's peice;

A friend of mine had been bugging me about getting shots for her fashion thesis project, and despite my best efforts, I just couldn't ignore her anymore. Funny how I only ignore my friends. This shot was one of the shots from her final line, I believe the idea was Circus Couture. The shot went by really well, pretty quickly, and I learned how to try a corset! On a side note, I need some assistants.

Circus Couture by ~CGodfrey on deviantART