Sunday, April 25, 2010

Buckling Down

Not a whole of photography happening in the previous week, well, none worth sharing.

Starting today, I started the Nightmare on Elm's Street marathon to get up to speed for the new one coming out this Friday.

I've started working a lot, and if my math is right (and it so rarely is), then I shall have enough cash for LA in the fall, which is still my top priority in life. I found the path to LA leads through Vegas, which is a mandatory stop, and a mandatory cash sink. Black jack much?

Anyway, onto the photo of the week.

It's not new, but its newish, it's fan favorite Ryan! And I have no clue what he was screaming at, or why he was so unhappy, but I expect that Sobe might have been spiked (by clearly not me). While I wouldn't call this one of my best shots, it makes me giggle, so I am sharing it, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Man Yells At River by ~CGodfrey on deviantART

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Life Sucks.

So paying back student loans is fun, right? Wrong. Just ask my cosigners.

That said, I'm getting insanely excited about the potential LA relocation. I've decided to pick up a couple extra gigs over the summer to raise funds so that I can easily pay the student loans back for a couple months (just in case I can't find work out there).

I've decided that the trip will be a rebirth of sorts. A fresh start. Columbus hasn't been particularly kind to me, a couple cases of almost-work, a couple situations of unrequited, unwanted or unhealthy love, and a whole mountain of debt. It did get me out of God-Knows-Where Ohio, though, and to that, I am extremely glad.

So for the next couple of months, I will probably not be very active in the world, I'll be working. A lot.

New Work, also new look on this page (still trying to learn HTML so this page will look as I please):

Creek by ~CGodfrey on deviantART

Friday, April 9, 2010


So I've been going back and forth a lot lately about some major relocation, either I stay, and try to continue fighting for nothing in Columbus, or I take a shot and move somewhere else, and try to fight for nothing in more fertile grounds. A couple friends of mine are heading to LA in the fall, and I think I might just take that opportunity to leave Ohio and live out west, and see what life brings me. I'm still looking for meaningful work in the meantime, but if nothing comes of fruition by August, I'm out yo.

So with that in mind; the weather has been breaking, and I work and live in a basement, so I'm taking every chance I have to get out and explore parts of Columbus I've never explored. I've found some shots I've really liked, and taken some portraits I've been pretty okay with. That brings me to the photo of the however-long-its-been-since-I-last-updated-and-will-update-again!

Train Tracks by ~CGodfrey on deviantART

It's potentially my new home.